Where is The Microphone On The Asus Laptops?

Asus is regarded as one of the best laptops for gaming and graphic designing. Advanced innovative technology, high performance, and sleek designs make the Asus laptops nearly unmatchable.

However, these laptops are reported to have some issues as well.

Fortunately, the issues are not that alarming and most of them do not even require any professional handling to be fixed.

There can be several major and minor issues. However, most users struggle with turning on Asus WIFI(this issue has been addressed earlier) and locating the Microphone.

If you are here after failing to locate the Microphone, here’s where you need to find out;

Where is the Microphone on the Asus Laptops?

Let us first inform you that the Microphone is there right in front of your eyes. It’s just that you are either new to technology or not paying attention. Locating the microphone is easier than turning on the WIFI.

Most recent Asus laptops have a Microphone beside the camera in the shape of a tiny little dots-like structure.

Asus laptops might be superior to the most popular laptop and computer brands, yet the cameras and microphones, etc are located at the common places. 

Almost all laptops have cameras and microphones at the top of the display, so how can the Asus laptops be any different?

Located at the left side of the camera

If you are still having a hard time finding a Microphone on your Asus laptop. Look for the dot-like structure at the left side of the camera on the top of the display.

Almost all recent Asus and other laptops have a microphone located on the left side of the camera.

Microphone is located in the control panel

The Control panel is the place where all important components of Microsoft Windows are found.

It gives you the ability to view and change system settings. So, the control panel is the other place where you can locate the Asus Laptop’s Microphone.

To find a Microphone in the control panel, go to the control panel, find and go the system and security settings, click hardware and sound, there would be the Microphone.

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In brief, the Microphone on the Asus laptop is located at the top of the display usually at the left side of the camera. Other than that, the Microphone can be spotted in the control panel under the hardware and sound settings.

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